Sense investigació no hi ha avenç. Per això vam crear el 2012 la Càtedra Fundació Affinity Animals i Salut de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, amb el suport del Parc de Salut Mar de Barcelona. Per investigar els beneficis de la convivència amb animals de companyia en la salut i la qualitat de vida de les persones. I amb l'objectiu de difondre aquesta tasca el 2013 vam crear l'Observatori Fundació Affinity.
La Càtedra Fundació Affinity Animals i Salut
L'objectiu de la Càtedra Fundació Affinity Animals i Salut de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona és investigar la relació que s'estableix entre les persones i els animals de companyia.
La Càtedra Fundació Affinity Animals i Salut és impulsada de manera conjunta pel Departament de Psiquiatria i Medicina Legal de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, la Fundació Affinity i el Parc de Salut Mar de Barcelona.
Fins avui les investigacions de la Càtedra han generat 16 publicacions en revistes científiques, 3 capítols en llibres tècnics, 2 tesis doctorals i més de 30 conferències en congressos, seminaris i simposis internacionals.
Des de la seva creació, la Càtedra ha organitzat 3 congressos internacionals a Barcelona: Canine Science Forum i ADI (Assistance Dogs International) el 2012, i el congrés anual d’ISAZ el 2014 (International Society for Anthrozoology).
De 2015 a 2018 la Càtedra va organitzar en col·laboració amb l'Ajuntament de Barcelona un postgrau en antrozoologia especialment dissenyat per a persones que treballen en entitats de protecció animal.
Àrees de coneixement
- Naturalesa del vincle entre les persones i els animals de companyia.
- Beneficis per a la salut i la qualitat de vida de la convivència amb animals.
- El valor terapèutic dels animals per a les persones.
Des del 2013 l'Observatori Fundació Affinity es dedica a difondre el coneixement científic sobre el vincle entre persones i animals de companyia.
The restrictive measures implemented to stem the spread of COVID-19 abruptly changed the lives of many cats and their owners. This study explored whether the lockdown in Italy affected the cat-owner relationship, as well as cat behaviour and welfare.
Anar a l'articleDogs are a source of companionship and comfort for their owners, but the degree to which this might translate into real emotional and social support has not been quantified. Emotional and social support are essential to help people to get through personal crises such as bereavement. In this study we characterize the social support owners obtain from their dogs, provide evidence of how widespread this social support is amongst dog-owners, and show how social support from dogs can increase during a crisis (using the COVID-19 pandemic as an example.
Anar a l'articleDog bites are a major public health problem throughout the world. The main consequences for human health include physical and psychological injuries of varying proportions, secondary infections, sequelae, risk of transmission of zoonoses and surgery, among others, which entail costs for the health system and those affected. The objective of this study was to characterize epidemiologically the incidents of bites in Chile and the patterns of human-dog relationship involved. The results showed that the main victims were adults, men. The dogs most involved in these incidents were medium-sized, mixed-breed, and most of these were known to the victim. The greatest frequency of such episodes occurred inside the home. This characterization of the problem is essential for a comprehensive understanding of the topic to develop successful dog bite prevention and management programs.
Anar a l'articleTransport to the clinic is a major source of stress for cats. The process involves being put into a carrier, driven in a car and handled. Cats are therefore removed from the safe-haven of their territory and experience many stressful stimuli and interactions.
Anar a l'articleThe purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of the Spanish confinement for the control of the COVID-19 pandemic on the behavior of pet cats and dogs, and the support that pets provided to their owners. We found that the quality of life of owners was strongly influenced by the lifestyle and emotional effects of the confinement, and that pets provided them with substantial support to mitigate those effects. However, pets showed signs of behavioral change that were consistent with stress, with dogs that had pre-existing behavioral problems being the most affected.
Anar a l'articleUnderstanding the psychological correlates of attitudes toward pet relinquishment and actual pet relinquishment is essential to inform interventions, and assess their impact. In this study, we developed new scales to measure attitudes toward pet relinquishment, motives for pet relinquishment, and general trust in pets. With these scales, we showed that attitudes of lack of obligation toward pet relinquishment were more likely in older people, those who perceived their pet as a burden, and those with lower general trust in pets. In addition, we found that attitudes of pragmatism toward pet relinquishment were more likely in men, those who were the main pet caretaker, those who perceived their pet as a burden, those with higher motives for pet relinquishment, and those with lower general trust in pets. Moreover, we found that past pet relinquishment behavior was more likely among people with attitudes of pragmatism toward pet relinquishment. Broadly, these findings advance our knowledge of pet relinquishment, and are likely to inform intervention campaigns to prevent it.
Anar a l'articleCharacteristics of the human-animal bond can be influenced by both owner-related and pet-related factors, which likely differ between species. Three studies adapted the Monash Dog-Owner Relationship Scale (MDORS) to permit assessment of human-cat interactions as perceived by the cat’s owner. In Study 1293 female cat owners completed a modified version of the MDORS, where ‘dog’ was replaced with ‘cat’ for all items...
Anar a l'articleCurrently, one of the main objectives of human–animal interaction research is to demonstrate the benefits of animal assisted therapy (AAT) for specific profiles of patients or participants. The aim of this study is to assess the effect of an AAT program as an adjunct to a conventional 6–month psychosocial rehabilitation program for people with schizophrenia. Our hypothesis is that the inclusion of AAT into psychosocial rehabilitation would contribute positively to the impact of the overall program on symptomology and quality of life, and that AAT would be a positive experience for patients. To test these hypotheses, we compared pre–program with post–program scores for the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) and the EuroQoL-5 dimensions questionnaire (EuroQol-5D), pre–session with post–session salivary cortisol and alpha–amylase for the last four AAT sessions, and adherence rates between different elements of the program. We conducted a randomized, controlled study in a psychiatric care center in Spain. Twenty–two institutionalized patients with chronic schizophrenia completed the 6–month rehabilitation program, which included individual psychotherapy, group therapy, a functional program (intended to improve daily functioning), a community program (intended to facilitate community reintegration) and a family program. Each member of the control group (n = 8) participated in one activity from a range of therapeutic activities that were part of the functional program. In place of this functional program activity, the AAT–treatment group (n = 14) participated in twice–weekly 1–h sessions of AAT. All participants received the same weekly total number of hours of rehabilitation. At the end of the program, both groups (control and AAT–treatment) showed significant improvements in positive and overall symptomatology, as measured with PANSS, but only the AAT–treatment group showed a significant improvement in negative symptomatology. Adherence to the AAT–treatment was significantly higher than overall adherence to the control group’s functional rehabilitation activities. Cortisol level was significantly reduced after participating in an AAT session, which could indicate that interaction with the therapy dogs reduced stress. In conclusion, the results of this small–scale RCT suggest that AAT could be considered a useful adjunct to conventional psychosocial rehabilitation for people with schizophrenia.
Anar a l'articleThe characteristics of the human-animal bond may be influenced by both owner-related and dog-related factors. A study was designed to explore the existence of different dog ownership patterns and their related factors. We created an on line questionnaire that included demographic questions about the dog and the owner, a Spanish version of the Monash Dog Owner Relationship Scale (MDORS) and a validated measure of satisfaction with life (Cantril’s ladder). We collected 1140 valid responses from adult dog owners, who were recruited using the client databases of Spanish veterinary practices...
Anar a l'articleIn this paper we wanted to estimate the incidence of abandonment, as well as the general profile of dogs and cats entering animal shelters in our country. Also, we wanted to test the impact of identification on the recovery of dogs that had entered animal shelters. More than 100,000 dogs and more than 30,000 cats enter animal shelters annually in Spain. We observed a seasonal effect in the number of admissions in cats. A considerable percentage remained at the shelter or was euthanized. We found that identification of dogs with a microchip increased by 3-fold the likelihood of them being returned to the owner.
Anar a l'articleEquip
L'objectiu de la Càtedra Fundació Affinity Animals i Salut de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona és investigar la relació que s'estableix entre les persones i els animals de companyia.
- Dr. Jaume Fatjó Doctor en Veterinària. Professor associat del Departament de Psiquiatria i Medicina Legal de la UAB.
Comissió mixta de seguiment
- Profesor Antoni Bulbena Catedràtic de Psiquiatria. Director del Departament de Psiquiatria i Medicina Legal de la UAB.
- Isabel Buil Directora de la Fundació Affinity.
- Professor Adolf Tobeña Catedràtic emèrit del Departament de Psiquiatria i Medicina Legal de la UAB.
- Dra. Celina Torre Doctora en Veterinària. Directora de Recerca d'Affinity Petcare.
- Dr. Oscar Vilarroya Metge i doctor en Ciència Cognitiva. Director de recerca del Departament de Psiquiatria i Medicina Legal de la UAB.
- Professor Lluís Ferrer Catedràtic de Patologia Animal del Departament de Medicina i Cirurgia Animal.
- Dr. Joan Ramon Fortuny Metge Psiquiatra. Director del Procés de Rehabilitació Psicosocial del Parc de Salut Mar de Barcelona.
- Dr. Jonathan Bowen Veterinari. Responsable del Servei de Medicina del Comportament al Royal Veterinary College (Universitat de Londres). Responsable de l'àrea d'anàlisi de dades de la Càtedra.
- Elena García Veterinària i màster en Etologia Aplicada per la UAB.
- Patricia Darder Veterinària i màster en Etologia Aplicada per la UAB.
- Miriam Pérez Educadora social i màster en Etologia Aplicada per la UAB.
- Juan Argüelles Veterinari. Director del Servei de Medicina del Comportament de la Facultat de Veterinària de la Universitat Cardenal Herrera CEU (València).
- El Departament de Psiquiatria i Medicina Legal de la UAB
- El Parc de Salut Mar
Departament de Psiquiatria i Medicina Legal de la UAB
Facultad de Medicina
Campus de la UAB
Tel. (+34) 93 581 23 81
08193 – Bellaterra