Bond Study

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The Bond Study helps us better understand the relationship between people and animals. Letā€™s tell you what we have discovered.

From analysing the study data, the main conclusion is that no two relationships are the same, although we can identify two different relationship profiles: the emotional bond and the pragmatic bond.
Would you like to find out more about the type of bond you have with your animal? Take our quiz below.

Are all relationships the same?

No. There are two types of bond with animals: the emotional bond and the pragmatic bond. Letā€™s look at each one.

Emotional bond

This is a relationship where the emotional bond with the animal is very strong. For these people, their dog is a very significant source of emotional support, especially in difficult situations.

Pragmatic bond

In this type of relationship, the bond of love and support is not perceived in such a strong way.

Living with an animal brings clear benefits, but the emotional dimension is not so intense.

What are the differences between emotional and pragmatic?

Letā€™s explore all the data, and discover the differences depending on how each of the filters is applied.

67% of people have an emotional bond.

33% of people have a pragmatic bond.




They say that they cuddle their dog a lot



They think that taking care of their dog is an easy task



They say that their dog is always there when they need it



They think that it is not expensive to keep their dog



They say things to their dog that they would not say to anyone else



They say that their dog helps them deal with difficult times


The Bond Study involves the analysis of the responses to a quiz comprising 32 questions, divided into three key blocks. The questions allow us to collect information that enables us to better understand how this interaction affects various aspects of peopleā€™s lives, the quality of their life together, the emotional wellbeing it generates and its impact on daily life.

Block 1

Interaction with the animal

In this block, aspects related to the frequency and quality of the interaction between the person and their animal are explored, as well as the shared activities that are part of their daily routine.

Block 2

Perceived emotional benefit

This block deals with how the emotional impact is perceived and addresses aspects such as stress reduction, improved mood and reinforcement of general wellbeing.

Block 3

Impact on quality of life

This block delves into the effects that the relationship with animals has on peopleā€™s quality of life and how living together improves physical and social aspects of daily life.

Letā€™s find out and analyse the responses on which the study is based

Each block is made up of many questions, and the responses can range from 1 to 5. Below, you can see the average results in each block, as well as the distribution of responses for each question.

Results of the study

Aggregate of 1001 responses

Rating from 1 to 5

Block 1

Interaction with the animal

In this block, the frequency and quality of the interaction between the person and their animal is analysed, as well as the daily activities they share.


Study responses

Average 3.9

How often do you kiss your dog?

(1 At least once a day - 5 Never)


How often do you play games with your dog?

(1 At least once a day - 5 Never)


How often do you buy your dog presents?

(1 Once a week - 5 Never)


How often do you give your dog food treats?

(1 At least once a day - 5 Never)


How often do you groom your dog?

(1 At least once a day - 5 Never)


How often do you cuddle your dog?

(1 At least once a day - 5 Never)


How often do you have your dog with you while relaxing?

(1 At least once a day - 5 Never)


Block 2

Perceived emotional benefit

This block focuses on how the emotional impact is perceived, addressing stress reduction, improved mood and general wellbeing.


Study responses

Average 4.1

My dog gives me a reason to get up in the morning.

(1 Strongly agree - 5 Strongly disagree)


I wish my dog and I never had to be apart.

(1 Strongly agree - 5 Strongly disagree)


My dog is constantly attentive to me (0 valor - 5 valor)

(1 Strongly agree - 5 Strongly disagree)


How often do you tell your dog things you don't tell anyone else?

(1 Once a day - 5 Never)


I would like to have my dog near me all the time.

(1 Strongly agree - 5 Strongly disagree)


If everyone else left me, my dog would still be there for me.

(1 Strongly agree - 5 Strongly disagree)


My dog helps me get through tough times.

(1 Strongly agree - 5 Strongly disagree)


My dog provides me with constant companionship.

(1 Strongly agree - 5 Strongly disagree)


My dog is there whenever I need to be comforted.

(1 Strongly agree - 5 Strongly disagree)


How traumatic do you think it will be for you when your dog dies?

(1 Very traumatic - 5 Very untraumatic)


Block 3

Negative impact on quality of life

How living with an animal can, in some cases, negatively affect certain aspects of daily life.


Study responses

Average 3.9

How hard is to look after your dog

(1 Very hard - 5 Very easy)


There are major aspects of owning a dog I don't like

(1 Strongly agree - 5 Strongly disagree)


My dog makes too much mess.

(1 Strongly agree - 5 Strongly disagree)


It bothers me that my dog stops me doing things I enjoyed before I owned it.

(1 Strongly agree - 5 Strongly disagree)


It is annoying that sometimes I have to change my plans because of my dog.

(1 Strongly agree - 5 Strongly disagree)


My dog costs too much money.

(1 Strongly agree - 5 Strongly disagree)


How often do you feel that looking after your dog is a chore?

(1 Once a day - 5 Never)


How often does your dog stop you doing things you want to?

(1 Once a day - 5 Never)


How often do you feel that having a dog is more trouble than it is worth?

(1 Once a day - 5 Never)


Showing the data from 1001 interviews