
Popular articles and interesting facts

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12 November 2024

What to do if you find a lost or abandoned dog?

If you see a dog walking alone in the street and there is nobody near it, you may be dealing with an abandoned dog though it also may have got lost or escaped, with its owner likely on the look-out. It may be hungry or thirsty, be cold or hot, may get run over or cause a traffic accident. So what can you do to help it?

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15 June 2022

The benefits of living with animals

La relación entre los humanos y sus animales de compañía, especialmente perros y gatos, ha evolucionado hasta el punto de considerarlos un miembro más de la familia. A lo largo de las últimas décadas, ha crecido el número de hogares que incluyen a estos animales, lo que plantea la pregunta: ¿qué es lo que hace tan especial la compañía de un perro o un gato?

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15 June 2022

What is social support?

Social support is much more than just having company. It is being able to rely on people we can trust, who provide us with a sense of belonging, who protect us, care for us and help us in times of difficulty.

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15 June 2022

The 8 main dog sounds

When it comes to dog sounds, we tend to immediately think of barking, but dog vocalisations go far beyond just barking and include whimpers, growls, sighs and other sounds. This article discusses the main sounds made by dogs and gives you some tips so that the next time your dog "says something" you'll understand his message.

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15 June 2022

The Affinity Foundation – pioneers with our own intervention model

En Fundación Affinity somos pioneros en España en el desarrollo de las Terapias Asistidas con Animales.

Downloadable resources

Historical Poster "El nunca lo haría". Dimensions: 20x30 cm

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Declaration of Animal Rights

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Infographic Study on Abandonment 2024

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